Tips on How to Save Fuel When Traveling to Abbottabad


Whether you have a diesel or gasoline engine car, the same fuel tank does not always offer the same range. It depends on multiple factors, such as driving style, the type of route layout or vehicle load, directly affecting fuel consumption.

How to Save Fuel When Traveling to Abbottabad

In this article we give you an idea how to save fuel when traveling to Abbottabad. By increasing vehicle efficiency, you can reduce fuel consumption by up to 18%.

  1. Check the tire Pressure

The tires must be inflated to the exact pressure indicated by the manufacturer and depending on the weather conditions (in very cold weather the tire needs a little more pressure).

Driving using tires with a pressure of 0.5 bars less than the correct one, causes consumption to increase between 2% and 4% depending on the driving area.

This is due to the resistance of the tire, increasing consumption to the point of spending the equivalent of a full tank per year.

But the increase in fuel consumption does not only occur when the tire pressure is lower than recommended.

If we have more swollen wheels than normal, it also causes the resistance of the tire to decrease and, therefore, increase consumption again.

  1. Start up and Commissioning

Start the car engine without stepping on the accelerator: in gasoline engines you can start driving immediately after starting; on diesel engines, wait a few seconds before starting to move.

Use first gear only for the start. Shift into second gear after about 2 seconds or 6 meters. Start driving slowly (20km/h in 5 seconds to save up to 11% fuel) and avoid sudden acceleration.

  1. Keep the Speed even

Keeping the speed as uniform as possible helps to save the maximum fuel, for this, it is necessary not to make a sudden driving.

This implies driving at a constant speed, not giving big accelerations, braking or unnecessary gear changes.

To decelerate, we advise you to take your foot off the accelerator and before applying the brake pedal, if the situation allows it.

You can let the engine brake act first. If you have to brake, do it gently and downshift as late as possible, especially on downhills.

  1. Turn off the Engine During Long stops

Idling has disadvantages, the car heats up, the long-term engine deteriorates, and a large amount of fuel is consumed. The car at idle can consume between 0.5 and 0.7 liters per hour.

  1. Higher Gears to Avoid Revving the Engine

Another way to have an efficient driving to reduce fuel consumption is to drive with high gears and low revolutions. It is advisable to use the highest gears of the car to avoid revolution of the car.

In a diesel car it is advisable to change gear between 1500 and 2500 rpm. In the case of gasoline cars, the optimum moment is between 2000 and 2500 rpm

  1. Leave the Essentials in the Trunk

We advise you to rationalize the volume and distribution of the load you carry in the boot. It is not just a matter of space, driving with unnecessary weight on board cause’s fuel consumption to skyrocket by up to 6%.

  1. Air filter in Good Condition

It is clear that using the car’s air conditioning generates a certain amount of fuel consumption, so the condition of the air filter must be taken into account. If it is in poor condition, there is a reduction in engine power and fuel consumption increases.

  1. Air Conditioning or have the Windows open?

According to several tests carried out with different makes of cars, up to 90 km/h, less consumption is consumed with the windows down.

Above 100km/h it is advisable to use the air conditioning, as the car is designed to be more aerodynamic with the windows up. At this speed or higher, keeping the windows down causes the car’s air resistance to increase and consume more fuel.

All these tips are not only for private cars, they will also be useful when you rent a car for your vacations.

Remember to maintain as uniform a speed as possible when driving, use the highest gears and do not use the air conditioning if you are not going over 100 km/h. If you follow these tips, you can save money during your car rental.

In addition to saving with efficient driving, you can save by taking out complementary insurance to that of the company to remove the franchise from the rental vehicle.